Saturday's Easter

Saturday morning, we met our neighbors outside for a little easter egg hunt.  
Of course my camera died that morning so I didn't get many pictures from the weekend.

 Waiting to begin.  It was spread across 3 front lawns, so there was plenty of room for the big kids and the little kids to find eggs.

The baby bump.  15 weeks.

Jake's loot.  Neither of my kids cared about getting lots, which I was glad for.  Marley was mostly interested in finding the non-candy items like the pencils and stickers.

 After our easter egg hunt, we came inside to paint and dye easter eggs.  Marley loved it and was very creative. We ended up doing over a dozen. 

This was all before noon. After noon I forgot to take any pictures.  It ended up being a crazy day with so many activities.  I literally dropped at 9pm. :)

I don't have any pictures from Sunday (I promised myself that I would do better), but here is a pic of Jake's favorite thing that the Easter Bunny brought.  Sometimes he tells me that Santa Claus brought it to him.

He hasn't let that train out of sight.


  1. love seeing your beautiful family and all the activities!

  2. Congrats on the new pregnancy! So excited for your family!


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