
My little guy is growing up too fast.

Favorite colors:  black and blue.  He will grab a black crayon and say "Bla" and a blue and say "bu"  Speaking of color, he loves to color and draw -- just take a look at my walls.

His latest obsession is a scooter -- Marley's, little pink princess scooter.  It was given to her by a friend.  I think we know what he's getting for his birthday.  He's getting pretty good at it!

Still loves to pretend to cook.  Lately, he's been really into play dough.  He is very specific and only likes to play with the black play dough.  funny kid.  I don't know why kids come with color preferences.


  1. I didn't know you spelled his name like that. Cute.

    What a handsome little man he is.


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