Shipp Family Pictures

 These were taken the day after Christmas.  I loved being with all my siblings this year. It never happens that we're all together anymore.  The only ones that still live in Cedar are my parents and 2 youngest siblings that are still in high school.

  • Jaxon and Jake are starting to play together and we swapped stories with Chad and Beth.  
  • Rhett always has some new things he's learned or read that he's anxious to tell us about.  It's quite fun being around him and hearing about his new life in CA. 
  •  It was the first time since their marriage that I had been with Kory and Cynthia and their new addition, Mochi.  
  • Tan is loving Hawaii.
  • Tara & Brock are living high school life to it's fullest -- I can't believe that they are growing up.

Marley was not accepting bribes or threats on picture day. I knew better...if she feels forced she will not cooperate.  When we stopped pushing, she cooperated.  The above photo was accomplished by taking lots of unsuccessful pics like the one seen below.
 Then, after lots of in between shots of everyone else and their individual families, Marley started to warm up to the camera.  We had many shots that looked like this one.

Then, they swapped Marley and Jared's heads into the big family one and wa-la, we get a decent photo of everyone all together. (see top pic).

My family - muah.  Love them.  My hair looks awful and Marley and my shirt don't really match, but we'll just have them (Karl Hugh) do a bit of photoshop and swap a few head shots so everyone has a normal smile and it will be awesome.

We had some people (cough, cough) who didn't read the mass email correctly when we were told what color to wear so we all had to figure out new outfits the night before.  It was quite hilaroius, everyone bringing out all their clothes and me calling my friend, Susy for some clothes for Marley.

Life is for sure never boring with that many people all together.  :)

My handsome little guy.  I love this picture ;)


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