The Sickies

We have had the sickies at our house.  Yuck.  Thursday night the kids were tucked in bed, Jared and I had just had a snack of pistachio almond ice cream (our fav), so  I jumped in the shower and when I got out heard Marley screaming, literally.  I run into her room (although I have learned to not panic too much when Marley is hysterical - she's quite the drama queen!), puke is covering her bed, hair, and jammies.  I give her a bath and change her bedding.  I grab some supplies - a big bowl and a towel and jump into bed with her. She had been crying, "mommy, mommy" the entire time.  At this point, she wraps her arms through mine and settles down with her head on my shoulder.  I knew it would be a long night - and it was!  But, it was a tender moment for me.  Sometimes there is no replacement for mom.


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