Lifted Spirits

Pic of Marley & her 2 cousins who came to visit for spring break.  You can see our backyard is still in need of some clean-up! :

I'm not really sleeping anymore because this little guy likes to wiggle down as low as he can at night.   He squirms and kicks and it seriously hurts so bad it takes my breath away.  I'm also getting up 5-7 times a night.  :)

Then I got sick.  Yuck.

So, what better to lift the spirits of a 9 month pregnant gal who isn't sleeping and is sick?  

Send her to the spa!

So my friend calls a couple of days ago and tells me that she booked me a massage and pedicure and that she was picking Marley up in 1 hour.  

I had the most relaxing, amazing afternoon.

It was a piece of heaven.


  1. I am so glad you got to spend a day at the spa! You totally deserve it! I'm right there with you on the no sleep thing:( Every time I get a contraction I say a silent prayer that they will keep coming...along with the baby. No such blessing yet;) I can't wait to see pictures of your little guy!!!

  2. I need a friend like that! :) That's awesome! Hope you are feeling better soon and everything goes well when the baby comes!

  3. now THAT'S a good friend!! Sorry I don't even compare! ;) Glad u got a relaxing day!! I can't remember what those are like anymore!

  4. That is so awesome your friend did that! We could all use a friend like that and ALL women need a good spa day, especially if you are prego & sick! Hope you feel better soon!


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