New Routine

It's cold here!  

I'm a bit surprised that there aren't more in-door activities for kids here in freezing Anchorage.  So, we've been going to the store a lot.  Each time we leave the store, we get Marley a little treat.  Usually it's a fruit roll-up or raisins or something semi-healthy...sometimes it's not so healthy but that's when I have a sugar craving and I make her share with me :)  I was thinking the treat part of going to the store with mom would make this a fun activity for a 1 year old :)

On Saturday Jared was off (yay) and we stopped by the grocery store on our way home to grab a couple of items.  Jared spotted spam packaged single-serving.  The packaging was shiny (like candy packaging) and Marley insisted on holding it throughout the store.  

We ran out of the store and when we got in the car Marley insisted on having the spam again.  This time she wanted us to open it and threw a fit when we didn't.  Poor girl thought the spam was a treat.  No, I didn't let her eat the spam (although that would have been pretty funny).  I whipped out some raisins and she was content.  

Guess I've started a new routine...


  1. I would think some indoor playgrounds would be a big hit in cold country. They sure are a hit here when it is too HOT to go outdoors.
    So did Marley ever try the spam?

  2. Ha, ha. No, Marley did not try the spam. She is brown though so I'm sure she'll somehow acquire a taste for it! :)

  3. Oh sick. I'm glad she didn't eat it. That's stuff is practically equivalent to gum on the bottom of someone's shoe in the parking lot! Well okay maybe I'm exaggerating... :)

  4. That routine kills me at the store. Unfortunately I also started it when Deklan was younger. Now both boys have to pick out a treat before we leave. They always want something different and by the time we get into the car they are throwing a fit because they each want whatever the other has, as well as their own!!!
    How are you holding up in Alaska?? I don't mesh well with the cold weather, that would be rough!

  5. I love it...that is hilarious! My boys think everything is a treat too. I;m sorry you guys are is getting pretty cold here for fall.


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