Home For Now

I've tried for the last 2 days to upload pictures, but our internet connection is ssslllowww and uploading pictures is just too much.

We made it to Anchorage in one piece.  (I now know what I'm in for traveling back with Marley and I'm not looking forward to it!)  

I had been warned that our apartment leaves something to be desired, so I had geared myself up for the worse and it's really not too bad.  It has fresh paint and new carpet and is actually quite spacious.  

It is lush and green here!  Seriously, I forgot what it was like to live outside the desert.  I took some gorgeous pictures at a park down the street.  Last night, we went on a walk in Kincaid Park near the ocean and ran into a moose!  I was a bit nervous because it was so close to us.  Marley was dying to run over and pet it.  

The weather is perfect for hiking, running, walking, and playing at the park.  It's a nice break from the heat--ok to be honest, it's a little chilly--but Jared & Marley are loving it :)  I'm just a sunshine girl I think.

There are some things I am missing....

  • sunshine (it's always cloudy)
  • kitchen stuff (pitcher, mixer, blender, crock pot)
  • 2 bedrooms (last night Marley screamed for an hour because she wanted out of her bed and into ours)
  • cell phone  - yeah, mine didn't work when we first arrived.  THANKFULLY my mom bought me a new one, programmed it and express delivered it.  It arrived today!  Mom, you're a life saver.
  • My own washer & dryer (there is coin-op in the basement)
  • Friends 
But, I figure I can live without those things for a couple of months.  I'm anxious to explore more of Alaska--see some whales & glaciers and see some beautiful country!


  1. I can not wait to see pictures! Enjoy it there and have a great experience! Someday we hope to do something like that!

  2. Oh Heidi! Have fun! I enjoyed my visit there and around to a few Alaskan sites. Be sure and take the scenic train out to Seward. It's amazing.
    I also enjoyed the Art Museum in Anchorage.
    I am glad you are working out some of the kinks.

  3. Holy Crap, Alaska?! I can't believe you ran into a Moose. Good thing you weren't chased. I have heard stories about that. You guys will have fun. But I am sure you will miss the phoenix weather. Weren't you in some crazy cold place on your mission? Like Iceland? Maybe it will bring back some memories. :)

  4. Hey Hyde! I hope all is well. I think you should give us the deets on the trip up there. How long was the trip up? I can't wait to see more pics. I think it would be SO awesome to go whale watching!!! HOW FUN!

  5. You have friends, just fair away! :) What a fun experience! When you get back to Phoenix it will be perfect weather.

    And Gabe is 3 1/2, will be 4 in Feb. He is the smallest in his class. It is really quite at home when its pre-school day.

  6. Sounds like and adventure! Enjoy your time in Alaska.

  7. I miss you too! I'm glad your phone is working so I can call you. Email me your new cell phone number, unless it is the same, in that case I have it. I'll try!


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