Who does Marley look Like?....

So I got this from Carrie's Blog. Although I have to say that most people think she looks more like Jared.

There are a lot of you that think Marley looks most like my mom. Well, here's what the "look-a-like" meter said.

I guess she looks most like...herself :) Although her coloring definitely makes her a daddy's girl.


  1. The look-alike meter is 100% accurate...kidding, kidding! But either way, she has good lookin' parents so she's bound to be as pretty as she is! :)

  2. She is a beautiful baby and she definitely has both of you in her. It seems like you can see more of one parent at different stages as the child grows.

  3. I do think she has a lot of your mom's characteristics. She is definitely a little dolly girl.

  4. Hey Heidi, did you get the dvd done for your parents? If so what songs did you end up using?


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