What's your recipe?

A blond-haired, blue-eyed girl gets a lot of long looks carrying around a brown-hair, brown-eyed gal.

Nobody knows quite how to be politically correct about asking about her recipe. Others just don't care about
polite-ness (if that's even a word).

I know she's just so darn cute that everyone notcies her. If they don't, she does the stare-down until they glance her way. She then flashes them a big grin.

Here are some of the latest comments.

"Looks like she has some nationality in her."

"Where did you buy that one?"

"I have to see her dad because she doesn't look a think like you."

"My husband is Filipino and my kids have the most beautiful brown eyes just like your little girls..."


  1. Okay, so I think Marley has the darkness of her father. But I think she is a little brown Heidi! Or I think she looks like your mom. Beautiful!

    I know my boys are not brown, but they are toe heads! I have been asked if I was babysitting, or I was also asked how old are my brothers! I don't know if that was a compliment or a let down!

    Hows the heat? Are you okay with it?

  2. I don't know what you're talking about. No one can mistake that my BEAUTIFUL girls come from the BEAUTIFUL woman that is with them everywhere they go.

    okay maybe they can tell because Shad and I look alot alike, especially when it comes to colors. I know what you're saying though. The south seems to have alot of "recipes" in children. My friend (white) and her husband (black), really like to joke about it. She calls her girls Cara-mel.

  3. Marley is so cute!!! I think she looks like you and Jared.

  4. Marley is so cute...obviously she came from a beautiful couple, you two!

  5. Hey you forgot to mention my back, that hurt all night. So between you and I, Susy was mad. Hey we still had fun. Those were a good old days!

  6. Wow, I'm suprised with how creative people get in their questioning where Marley-girl comes from!

    But people just don't think before they ask... I get all the time, "where does she get her red hair from?" When I get home I ask Shayne if my hair is still red. Dumb...


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