Marley and Grandma

Marley and Grandma at Jared's graduation. Everyone says that Marley looks most like my mom.

My mom was planning on playing with Marley in Hawaii while Jared and I went off to vacation. She said that her dream vacation was sitting on the beach with Marley. I think we're all sad that we won't be able to be in Hawaii with them.


  1. Im so sorry to hear about Jared. Also sorry you are missing Hawaii. I hope you are getting some sleep. When Nathan was about Marley's age, Gary broke his collar bone riding his dirt bike. I was still working part time at the time. It got pretty exhausting being a new mommy and a full time nurse all at the same time. Make sure you get some help and take some relax time for your self! I ended up getting sick myself during that time...I got shingles, which is rare at my age, but is caused by stress! Keep us posted! I hope you get a rain check on that Hawaii trip!

  2. Thanks Linds. I actually did get sick yesterday...fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose. Not fun! It's probably partly because I'm so tired with Marley sick and Jared laid up in bed.

  3. Sorry to hear about your accident, Jared! We hope you get better soon. Don't worry, you guys didn't miss too much in Hawaii, just excellent beaches and perfect weather. No, really, we are sad you guys couldn't go and even more sad that Jared got hurt. We like the new look on your blog, strangely, it is very similar to ours. You guys always have to copy us! We'll call you from LaCrosse and tell you how we arrange our furniture so you can do it that way , too! :)


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