Hawaii Trip Cancelled

Jared still won't let me post any pics of him. His burns still look pretty bad. This morning he realized that there was no way that we would be able to leave on Thursday for our trip. I called to see about moving it back a week, but with the difference in flight prices and trying to find a place to stay we decided it just wasn't possible. Besides we don't really know when Jared will actually feel better. We're both a little bummed out about cancelling this vacation. We've had the airline tickets since last August and have been looking forward to this for a long time. Oh well. I'm just glad Jared wasn't burnt worse than he was.


  1. I am so sorry about your trip and Jared getting hurt. That must have been so scary! It sounds like Arizona has been a bit of a bad start, hopefully things start getting a lot better soon!

  2. That is so scary! I'm glad he's ok, but tell that boy that fire is not a toy!

  3. I'm so sorry, Heidi! I was talking to Grandma last week and she mentioned you guys were going to Hawaii too... How sad! :( I hope that Jared heals well and feels better quickly... What a scary experience for you to witness!

  4. I'm so very very sorry to hear about Jared getting hurt. I hope Jared starts feeling better soon...we are thinking of you. Please keep us posted.


  5. Jared, what's going on? I'm really sorry to hear about the accident. Take it easy, and no more fires for a while!
    Brian V.


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