
 A few nights ago after brushing her teeth, Marley showed me the teeth growing behind her baby teeth.  Like mother like daughter I guess.

 A couple of days later, that tooth was gone.  Marley was so excited for the tooth fairy to visit.  You would have thought it was Christmas.

 The tooth fairy had to consult a friend to see what the tooth fairy was paying these days.  Turns out there is quite a bit of variation among tooth fairies.  This tooth fairy decided to leave $2.  Marley couldn't have been more thrilled.  She was literally hopping and dancing around the room the next morning.  Jake is convinced that the tooth fairy is a boy and gave him a hug the night he left Marley money.  He may be more accurate than he realizes.

 Jake learned to ride without training wheels last year, but he didn't have a lot of confidence so we put them back on.  He's be begging us to take them off.  We finally gave in.  He is so proud of himself.

 Before church

 Marley and Jake were "babysitting".  

 Luke is still adorable and precious.  We love him to pieces.

 I can't get over how much he looks like Marley as a baby.

 Auntie Miki has been coming for a few days out of every week.  Luke thinks he has 2 mommies and I love being able to sleep through the night and leave him home to run errands when necessary.

Luke = 7 weeks.  Time is flying.


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