My Friends' Kids
Isn't it a double score when your kids are friends with your friends' kids?
I think so. I hadn't seen Allison (one of my closest friends from High School) in a LOT of years - so many years we couldn't remember the last time we saw each other.
She lives in Fairbanks, so I got to see her a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes I wish I could create a city with all of the great friends I've made through the years and put them all in one place.
I think we spent about 5 hours at Kincaid park just talking and watching the kids play. It was perfect. ;)
Marley (4), Amaya (4) - Allison's daughter, Willem (3)
Willem's mom is Sarah, whom I knew a little before I came and feel like I've known her for much longer. We literally spend like 8 hours a day together - it's been so much fun. I'm going to miss not having her right next door when we return.
The only picture I got of Allison. Why didn't we get a picture together??
Normally I would never let Jake just run around shirtless. However, it was actually such a warm day (70's is warm for Anchorage) and I had dressed all of us in long sleeves. Jake was so miserable and finally took off his shirt.
I just think we really thought we'd see eachother the next day. Oh well. we know we were both there.