
Wouldn't I be the coolest mom if I built cool forts like this in my backyard??  Well, my friend who had a baby 3 weeks ago is that cool.  She even invited us over so that Marley could play in it. :)

At one point they brought a box full of stuffed animals in to the tent and a box of doctor supplies.  They were giving shots and putting bandages on all the sick animals. ;)  This age is all about imaginary play.  I think Marley licked Jared's face twice today because she said she was a dog and that's what they do. ha! Just glad she didn't try that on me.


  1. Would you be my kids' mom? I'm way too boring and I want them to have Marley's kind of childhood.

  2. Yes, well maybe I should explain in the post that this is her friend's house. :) I'm not that cool either :)


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