Whatever it takes

Me:  Marley, would you like a shake?
Marley:  Yes, it will make me better.

Nope, she's not sick.  She's just repeating a constant dialogue she and I have about her food choices.  :)  The only green, raw veggie she will eat is spinach in her spinach shake.


  1. Sounds interesting. I might need your recipe.

  2. I think they are good :) They can't be that bad if both Jake and Marley will eat them. They can be so picky at times.

  3. LOVE it!!! You're an awesome Mommy Hydes! Keep it up!! I still have to force Coco to eat it. I seriously open her jaw and shove it in there. Knowing her, she still puts up a fight just because she can make a game out of it with me!!


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