Self Reliant

Self Reliance has brought on an entirely new meaning to me the past 2 months while Jared has been off the mainland working in Alaska.  You think you are independent and capable until you have a chance to really be all alone doing it yourself.

It's obvious what tasks are "Jared's" in our home.  Our pool has green slime growing all over it and is full of leaves.  Our grass in the back is probably a foot and a half high.   Let's see, what else?  I flew by myself.  I have done that before, but this time Jared didn't help me in to the airport with all my stuff.  Instead, a friend dropped me off curbside and another friend picked me up curbside.  I was a sight getting 2 kids, baggage, car seat, and diaper bag all in and out of the airport.  Church. That is a task trying to do alone with 2 kids.  The weeks that the choir sings in church, I am at church by 8 am.  This turns my church block into 4 hours.  No, my kids do not do very well with that length of time.  I also play for the last meeting of the day, so slipping out a little early when Jake has "had it" is never an option.  Today, I got to that meeting and another woman was playing the prelude music.  She looked at me and smiled and kept right on playing.  We never had a conversation about her playing for me.  It was so nice to have her do that and not have to listen to Jake cry and scream while I did it.  There are some people that are very aware of others. I hope to acquire that trait.

Yesterday, a friend watched both of my kids while I went to lunch with a group of friends.  It was totally therapeutic to have a break for an hour and be able to eat all of my food while it was still hot. Bless her.  My sis-in-law watched my kids last Monday while I went to the dentist and grabbed a bite to eat with another friend.  I have never found my teeth being cleaned so relaxing and enjoyable.  I love my kids, but being a "full-time mom" has brought on new meaning these past couple of months.  I am ready for my hubby to come home!

(Sidenote:  A friend diagnosed the problem with my pool vacuum on Friday.  I went to the pool store and bought the parts to have it fixed.  I reattached everything, shocked the pool to kill the algae, and brushed all the dead algae off the sides.  I am pretty proud that I am going to have a clean pool by the time Jared gets home and that I now know how to work our pool! :) 


  1. Heidi you are a Super Mom!! I have a hard enough time getting myself in and out of the airport.

  2. In 10 months Brandon has a 4 month clinical in TX. I am SCARED TOO DEATH! Seriously, how have you done it??? I am impressed.

  3. How long has he been gone? How long will he be gone?

  4. Nope, definitely NOT super mom. :) There is a reason that the traditional family consists of a mother and father.

    Amy, just 2 months. He has been gone about 6 weeks and will be home in 2. 4 months...that is crazy. Are you going to join him for any of that?

  5. Good job Heidi! I'm glad he'll be back soon.

  6. Hang in there, Heidi! I'm comin' to give you a break!!!!

  7. I don't know how you do it either, Heidi. I'd be scared to come to church alone with kids. We weren't even very good at it with both of us herding our kids. I worried I was getting in your business sitting down at the piano, hoped you didn't mind. But I hope you know if you ever need to head out, I'm usually there and would be glad to fill in for you(whether we plan ahead of time or not)

  8. You go girl! Dell has to do these month long rotations in Houston so I've done the single mom stuff myself. And the traveling by yourself-- don't you feel so tough when you get home. And so in need of a vacation.

  9. you are AWESOME heidi! TOTALLY amazing! So glad you've got some friends there that are mindful of you and your needs! i wish i could be there to help! it was a sweet post... one day you'll look back on all of this and think how hard it was and how you ROCKED it!! Miss you!


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