5 Months


  1. You are such a skinny minny...cute picture, I've been dying to hear an update on a day in the life of preg and barefoot Heidi. :)

  2. I think that is how big I am at two months-seriously.

  3. You look so cute, and barely pregnant! I hope you guys had a great Christmas! Happy New year!

  4. You look great. Lucky for you that cute baby boy will be here before you get into the heat of Arizona!

  5. I didn't realize you were preggers too! How exciting! And you look so cute...I look exactly the same, no one can tell I'm pregnant yet! I'm glad everything is going well and I will have to keep in touch better! Congrats again!

  6. are you kidding me?! That belly is nonexistant! You're so tiny. But I guess that's okay since your body is tiny... you do deserve a tiny belly! Although, I'm SURE you don't feel that way! SUPER excited for you!


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