
Do you ever lay in bed thinking about random things?  I have this weird quirk with clothing tags.  I don't take them off.

I was going through my sweaters before we left for Alaska.  I didn't even look at them last winter.  One of the sweaters I pulled out was a cropped cardigan that still had a tag on it.  I have worn it--over a shirt and since it's dry-clean only, it was totally feasible to have a tag on it.  

So, I was laying in bed trying to figure out what my deal is with tags.  

Is it commitment?

Is it wanting to try out my purchase for a little while before committing?

Once I take off the tags, there is no returning it?  

Well, of course if I have worn the item then I would not return it any way.  I don't know.  My husband is constantly pulling tags off my clothes and always asks why I don't take them off before I wear them for the first time.  I'm stumped myself.  I just don't.  I would rather stuff them down the back of the shirt collar than rip them off.  

So please, if you see me with a big tag hanging out of my clothes just rip it off - or tell me to :)  I don't know why it's so hard for me to do, but it is.


  1. lol...I thought I was the only one with the tag thing. I have shoes that are a year old and still have the tag on them, I wear them all the time I just tuck the tag in my shoe. Derek really thinks I'm crazy.

  2. I am the total opposite. I have a tag ripping compulsion. I have accidentaly ripped tags off in the dressing room while trying clothes on. I can't help it I hate them. So don't worry I've got your back. Too bad your back is so far away right now. fyi - most stores take back clothes without the tags just as much as with the tag on trust me I've had to do it alot.

  3. I'm the same way. Then when I do finally rip off the tag I put them in my "tag drawer". Yep I have a little drawer with a bunch of old tags...just in case. I do the same thing with decor for the house. I never take the tag off. I've been staring at a tag on a plate I have up in my kitchen for over a year and a half. Why I don't take it off...I have no clue. We're weirdos.

  4. Thats funny Heidi! It makes me think of Minnie Pearl. You probably don't even know who she is!

  5. I do it too! I think my problem is it just requires too much effort to yank it off, and heaven forbid I need to actually find a pair of scissors, then there the part of walking to the garbage can to throw it away. If I do rip off the tag, the plastic thingy is usually left behind and the tag get laid on the top of my dresser for a couple of months, just until I clean my room again.

  6. I kinda do this too... I like the tags on for as long as possible because I like having NEW stuff. So, what's more NEW then something with the tag still on!?!? Then I keep all of them once I rip them off "just incase" in need to return them for some major malfunction or defect.

    AND I want to make sure that I really, really like it before I take the tag off... because I don't buy myself a ton of new clothes like I use to.

    Though, I have no problem ripping the tags off my kids clothes or Shayne's.

    We're a weird bread, us TAG PEOPLE.

  7. Hmm...I have been a victim of this as well. I am not sure why I do...but I do know that every time I go to take one off I think about that one shirt that I was in love with my 8th grade year. I ripped the tag out actually ripping a hole in the shirt. It was not repairable. Obviously a devastating day for me. I think that is why I have a hard time with it.

    I also don't like all those little plastic things all over my house.

    Nothing to be worried about...I'm sure. You bet I would help you out though.

  8. Ummm...yeah...I think you're the only one of your kind! j/k. We all have our quirkier quirks, like Joel, he refuses to buy toilet paper. Hello, kind of needed. :)

  9. Heidi, I know exactly what you are talking about! My sister, Katie, does this same exact thing and it's annoying me sometimes, especially since we share some of the same shirts. She tells me it's because of the feeling of wearing new clothes each time. Once she takes off the tag, it feels old. But when she has the tag on each time, it feels new to her and feels nice to her as well. Maybe this is the same case, hmm? Either way, enjoy your tags!

  10. Okay...I thought this post by itself was bizzaro, but then I read all your comments and realized there are other people out there who share this strange habit. Crazy.

    I was going to tell you- I have this little vacuum called The Shark that came with a vacuum I bought one time. It's like one of those Bissell sweepers, but it actually has a rotating brush....I don't think I am explaining it very well. But it's a real vacuum, but small enough for me to let the kids play with it. You just plug it in every few uses to charge it up. They LOVE to help me clean with it. I'm sure they are super cheapo, too. Just an idea.

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  12. I'm sorry, but that is completely hilarious! I guess I'm a bit opposite because I'm terrified that I'll go to church or out to a restaurant and have forgotten to take the tag off. I guess I'll pay more attention to your clothes at church and see if I can find a tag on you. :)


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