Nanny Diaries: Review

Thanks to my previous co-worker, Barb Moser, I read this book.  I always found myself asking her for a good read.  Actually, I left the book in the bathroom one day (I hope that's not too much info!) and Jared picked it up to read.  I think it was 1 of 3 non-medical books he read in medical school.  Anyway, when it came out on DVD we thought we for sure had to see it.

Yesterday was one of those 'mom days' where you feel like you're under appreciated and over worked! ;)   Marley cried or whined all day.  Jared had a drug rep dinner.  You know the dinners where he goes to a fancy steak house and eats the most expensive thing on the menu while some drug rep is talking.  Half way through the dinner I text him..."R u almost done?  I am going NUTS"  Well, he skipped out on dessert and thought he better come home with something and decided to swing by and pick up "Nanny Diaries" since I had mentioned a few times that we should see it.

I thought it was cute...although of course it wasn't as good as the book.  However, if you hadn't read the book I don't know if you would really like it.  It was one of those that I was interested in seeing how they would incorporate certain things to make it into a movie if ya know what I mean.  

If you're in the mood for a fun, light movie this is probably the one for you.  Oh, and it will inevitably make you feel like a GOOD mom---total plus and exactly what I needed last night.

Have you seen any good movies lately?


  1. Very cute, very nice and VERY FUNNY! I like this post. I'll have to check out the flick, I'm into teeny bopper feel goods. :)

  2. who's in the movie? I'll have to check it out!

    Is Marley saying any words yet?? It's fun to hear what they start saying...

  3. Not that i'm happy that you had a bad day, but it was nice to see that not all of your days involve you being 100% patient with Marley. I only say that because as much as I LOVE being a mom there are some days I want to put both my kids up for sale on Ebay. There have been many nights when I have sent Logan a text asking him if he is EVER coming home... it's a good thing I love my husband and kids or I might run away to Fiji.

  4. You know I haven't seen a single good movie lately. All the movies we see are SO dumb. We don't go to theater movies right now because it is too hard to find a babysitter and all, so we do Redbox. If you see any good movies let me know!
    I also need your address ASAP. :)

  5. Sus-

    Not really any clear words yet. She says quack quack, tries to say bottle, mama, dad...that's all. She rambles all day long--it's pretty funny.

  6. Brandi--e-mail me (I don't have your email address) so I an send you our address.


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